6 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery for Your Female Needs

6 Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery for Your Female Needs

Surgery may be the solution for many problems, and it can also be pretty traumatic to the body. But now there’s a less invasive, advanced type of surgical procedure that can often replace traditional open surgery: minimally invasive surgery. 

Dr. Peter Khamvongsa offers an array of minimally invasive procedures to women so they can benefit from the advances this method offers. His approach to treatment is to partner with you to find the best solution, answer all of your questions, and provide attentive care. This is what The Miami Institute for Women’s Health is all about. 

How surgery affects your body

Traditional open surgery is a major event for your body because it involves:

Although some procedures can still only be done using this surgical method, minimally invasive techniques have taken the world of medicine by storm, due to their very real advantages. 

What is minimally invasive surgery?

A minimally invasive procedure is vastly different from conventional surgery. 


Laparoscopic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery that illustrates the differences between minimally invasive and conventional surgery well. During a laparoscopic procedure, your surgeon makes several small incisions, which are just a quarter-inch to a half-inch long, rather than a single large incision. 

These small incisions allow your surgeon to place a small, thin tube called a laparoscope. Through it, Dr. Khamvongsa can use specially designed surgical instruments and a tiny camera to see your treatment site clearly. 

The camera projects real-time images onto a screen that Dr. Khamvongsa can see in the surgical suite. This guides him throughout your procedure. Depending on your surgery, your surgeon may need to use just one laparoscope or more, and this technique can be used for diagnostic purposes as well. 

Robotic surgery

Robotic surgery is another type of minimally invasive surgery. Rest assured, it doesn’t involve a robot, and Dr. Khamvongsa still performs the surgery! This method allows him to have a magnified, three-dimensional view of your surgical site. 

The special da Vinci platform and tools allow Dr. Khamvongsa to direct the surgery, enabling an unprecedented level of precision and control throughout the procedure. 

How is minimally invasive surgery different — and better?

Minimally invasive surgery offers both the patient and surgeon benefits, but from the patient perspective, these are the six major advantages:

1. Faster healing

It makes sense that several tiny incisions heal more quickly than a more significant, long incision. 

2. Less pain and swelling

Since a drastically smaller area of your body is affected with a minimally invasive procedure, your recovery will be more comfortable.

3. Less bleeding and scarring

This is again due to the fact that your body is simply put through less trauma during a minimally invasive procedure.

4. Reduced potential for post-surgical complications

Since your surgeon can work with greater accuracy, your likelihood of having a complication-free post-surgical experience is greater.

5. Quicker return to your normal life

This is perhaps one of the best parts of minimally invasive surgery. Since your recovery is faster, you can re-enter your normal life and return to the activities you enjoy without the burden of a long, painful recovery.

6. Many applications for women’s health

Dr. Khamvongsa is happy to offer many minimally invasive procedures that bring relief from women’s health conditions, whether it’s an in-office or outpatient procedure. 

These include endometrial ablation, labiaplasty, sling placement for incontinence, hysterectomy, and more urogynecological procedures

The medical world — and patients’ lives — have been transformed by minimally invasive procedures. Learn more by calling us at 786-220-8664, or request an appointment online

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