7 Symptoms of Endometriosis

It’s thought that over 11% of American women aged 15 to 44 suffer with endometriosis

This painful condition occurs when the lining of your uterus, or the endometrium, “goes rogue” and grows outside of it. It can affect your fallopian tubes, ovaries, the exterior of your uterus, and even your bowel or bladder. 

Your excess endometrium has nowhere to go, so it builds up in your body and can form cysts or scar tissue that improperly connects your organs. The discomfort that endometriosis causes can greatly affect your quality of life, and it’s a cause of infertility for many women.

Dr. Peter Khamvongsa and the team here at the Miami Institute of Urogynecology and Minimally Invasive Surgery have years of experience treating patients with endometriosis. 

When you’re in Dr. Khamvongsa’s care, you are treated with respect and empathy. The goal is to ease your endometriosis symptoms and help with fertility problems by offering a range of successful and advanced treatments.

How do you know if you have endometriosis?

There are hallmark symptoms of endometriosis, while others are more subtle. That’s why regular pelvic exams are imperative. 

Here are seven symptoms of endometriosis: 

1. Disabling pain

Unfortunately, endometriosis is accompanied by several kinds of distinct pain. Many sufferers’ pain interferes with their daily lives. You may experience:

2. Gastrointestinal effects

It might surprise you to learn that endometriosis can cause intestinal pain and other gastrointestinal distress. You might suffer sharp pain while having a bowel movement during your period, as well as pain while urinating.

Bloating, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting can also indicate endometriosis, and the condition is frequently confused with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

3. Spotting or heavy periods

Spotting, or bleeding in between periods, is a symptom of endometriosis. Your period can also become very heavy due to the condition.

4. Chronic fatigue

You wouldn’t think chronic fatigue would necessarily be associated with endometriosis, but it often is. 

This condition is a lot more than being exhausted, though. You might feel numbness, joint pain, or a heaviness that sucks every ounce of energy from your body.

5. Migraines

The misery of a migraine headache in and of itself is hard to endure, as the pain can last for days and cause vision issues, nausea, and other symptoms. Studies have found that women with endometriosis have a higher risk for migraines.

6. Internal scarring

Although not readily visible, scars can form inside your body and can make tissues and organs that should be separate stick together. 

Depending on their severity and other factors, physical therapy and laparoscopic surgery are some therapeutic options to consider. 

7. Infertility

Perhaps the most devastating symptom of endometriosis is that it impedes your ability to become pregnant

Problems getting pregnant affect up to half of all endometriosis sufferers, and it’s thought that inflammation and internal scarring can interfere with both the release of an egg and the sperm’s power to reach it.

What treatments are available for endometriosis?

Dr. Khamvongsa eases your pain, addresses any scarring, and helps you with fertility issues. 

Depending on your situation and goals, treatments range from hormonal medications that you take for limited periods to minimally invasive surgical procedures that rid your body of unwanted tissue. 

As a recognized expert in treating women with moderate to severe endometriosis, Dr. Khamvongsa is versed in the most progressive treatment options for those who’ve just been diagnosed and women who’ve struggled for a long time.  

Get relief from your endometriosis symptoms

You can find real and lasting relief from your endometriosis. Call our office at 786-220-8664  to schedule an appointment today, or take advantage of our convenient online booking tool.

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