4 Subtle Signs of a Yeast Infection

Three out of four women experience the discomfort of a yeast infection at some point, and the symptoms can be quite uncomfortable. Also known as vaginal candidiasis, this condition doesn’t go away on its own and requires treatment. It’s also important to understand that these infections aren’t sexually transmitted.

We typically hear about classic symptoms, which include discharge that has the consistency of cottage cheese, and severe and persistent vaginal itching. However, there are signs of a yeast infection that are less obvious, but still important to know about.

From their office in Miami, Florida, Dr. Peter Khamvongsa and Dr. Charlotte Paz-Pabon offer treatment for yeast infections that can relieve the uncomfortable symptoms interfering with your everyday activities. As always, they’re invested in not just treating the problem, but educating you about how to avoid a yeast infection in the future. 

You may not suspect it’s a yeast infection when…

As we mentioned, most women automatically think “yeast infection” if they develop urgent vaginal itching or notice an unusual clumpy discharge. 

However, there are other signs that point to a yeast infection that may fly under the radar. 

1. Painful sex

There are many reasons that intercourse can cause pain for women, including the thinning of vaginal tissue that accompanies menopause and certain gynecologic conditions like endometriosis, but discomfort during sex can also point to a yeast infection.

2. Burning sensation when you pee

In addition to vaginal soreness, yeast infections cause your urethra to become inflamed. Urinating then becomes a painful ordeal, marked by burning. This condition is also called dysuria. 

3. Vaginal rash

Redness and skin irritation from the constant itching that commonly accompanies a vaginal yeast infection is something you may also notice with this condition. 

4. A different type of discharge

Even though the thick, white, odorless discharge that we’ve talked about is one of the most common hallmarks of a vaginal yeast infection, women can also have white discharge that’s thinner and watery. This isn’t something that’s talked about often, but it’s nevertheless indicative of a yeast infection. 

If you have any of these symptoms, see Dr. Khamvongsa or Dr. Paz-Pabon. They may perform a pelvic exam and take a sample of your discharge for testing to confirm the diagnosis of a vaginal yeast infection. 

Vaginal yeast infection risk factors

You’re more at risk for getting a vaginal yeast infection if you have untreated diabetes, you’re pregnant, or you’ve been treated with antibiotics recently. If you use oral contraceptives or you take hormone therapy treatment, you also have a higher chance of developing a yeast infection.

You can take steps to avoid yeast infections too, though, and these include changing out of wet clothing or bathing suits quickly, avoiding hot baths and hot tubs, and not using douches and scented feminine products.

How can I get rid of my vaginal yeast infection?

Though there are over-the-counter treatments available for yeast infections, it’s best to get a definitive diagnosis, since some symptoms can overlap with other conditions, like urinary tract infections (UTIs). 

Your doctor will probably prescribe an antifungal oral medication belonging to a class of drugs called azoles. Depending on which type you get, you may take it just once or treat yourself over a course of three or seven days. Your doctor may also prescribe medications to ease other symptoms, like steroids for vaginal inflammation.  

If you’re pregnant, antifungal medications aren’t appropriate, but Dr. Khamvongsa or Dr. Paz-Pabon will create a treatment plan specifically for you which may include an over-the-counter medication. 

Don’t suffer with the discomfort that a vaginal yeast infection brings; get it treated quickly so you can get on with your life and be comfortable again.

Call the Miami Institute for Women’s Health office at 786-220-2184 to schedule an appointment or book one online.

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