What Can I Expect from My First O-Shot®?

What Can I Expect from My First O-Shot®?

Just as the sexual revolution of the 1960s ushered in an era of more birth control options and less shame, the last decade has brought awareness around consent and other important aspects of how sexuality fits within our lives. 

We have also come to understand more about the different influences on a woman’s libido, including the hormonal shifts that accompany life transitions like pregnancy and menopause. One thing is certain: You deserve to have a fulfilling and satisfying sex life with your partner, no matter your stage of life!

Among the array of important services that Dr. Peter Khamvongsa and the Miami Institute for Women’s Health team provide to women, sexual health issues like low desire and an inability to reach orgasm are challenges that we can help you with. Intimacy can be restored in your relationship, and Dr. Khamvongsa offers a truly innovative treatment that has earned widespread praise from patients.

What if a simple shot successfully addressed a multitude of sexual problems?

It may sound too good to be true, but it’s not. There’s a treatment called the O-Shot that Dr. Khamvongsa has embraced to help women who are facing diverse problems preventing their sexual satisfaction. Amazingly, the O-Shot can:

The O-Shot can meet every one of these challenges, and offers some unexpected benefits too, including curbing urinary incontinence and making the skin on the vulva feel smoother.

What’s not to like about the O-Shot?

Nothing, pretty much! 

The O-Shot is a type of regenerative treatment that uses platelet-rich plasma (from your own blood) to rejuvenate your labia and vaginal tissue. 

The healing growth factors in your blood are isolated and concentrated after Dr. Khamvongsa takes a small blood sample and reconstitutes it in a device called a centrifuge. 

It spins the blood so the healing platelets become separated, and Dr. Khamvongsa then reinjects this into your vaginal area tissue to produce new nerves and blood vessels and increase collagen production (an important protein your body makes).

The results? Increased sensation, sexual function, lubrication, and really intense orgasms!

In addition to the benefits we outlined above, the procedure itself is easy, quick, and comfortable. 

Dr. Khamvongsa applies a numbing cream to your labia, clitoris, and G-spot before treatment, then takes your blood sample, spins it in the centrifuge, and injects your platelet-rich plasma back into the areas he drew the blood from. Before he does this, he applies local anesthetic so you’re comfortable. 

There’s no downtime and you can leave the office right after your treatment, which typically takes less than half an hour. You might notice some redness, swelling, or tenderness in your treatment area, but this resolves quickly. 

If you’ve been having trouble getting into lovemaking with your partner because it’s simply unsatisfying and there are too many barriers to orgasm, ask Dr. Khamvongsa about the O-Shot. It may be perfect for you.

Call our Miami office at 786-220-2184 to make an appointment with Dr. Khamvongsa and learn more about the O-Shot, or request one online.

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