A Comprehensive List of Things You Can’t Eat When You’re Pregnant

A Comprehensive List of Things You Can’t Eat When You’re Pregnant

Amidst the thrill and joy of being pregnant, there seem to be a million things you should watch out for and take care not to do during those nine months: Are those shoelaces tied so you don’t trip? Are you getting the right kinds of exercise? Are you scheduling the proper number of prenatal care visits? Is the paint you’re using for the nursery low-VOC? The list goes on.

One of the most important concerns during your pregnancy is your diet. The list of OK’d foods for expectant moms is vast, but it’s just as important to pay attention to the ones you should avoid.

As a caring and experienced OB/GYN, Dr. Peter Khamvongsa helps guide you through every phase of pregnancy, ensuring that you’re aware of all the things you should and shouldn’t do as you await your baby’s birth. He and his talented team keep you and your baby the focus at all times and always have the time to listen to your questions and concerns.

The ideal pregnancy diet

When you’re pregnant, the best diet for you is a nutrient-rich one. You should consume whole foods that are high in protein, minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. You should also pay special attention to staying well hydrated and getting enough fiber.

Some of the best foods you can eat while pregnant include legumes like peas and beans, veggies such as dark leafy greens and broccoli, beta carotene-rich sweet potatoes, salmon, and dairy foods like yogurt and milk. Berries, whole grains, and avocados are also great. 

If you deal with morning sickness, bland foods and easy-to-consume choices like smoothies and soups are good, as are ginger or peppermint candies to settle your stomach. 

You might also notice that you’re craving foods you may never long for typically — or conversely, that you’re repulsed by foods you usually enjoy.

As you work around the strangeness of pregnancy cravings and getting all the high-quality nutrition you can, be aware also that it’s critical to stay away from certain foods that can pose a danger while pregnant.

What not to eat if you’re pregnant

In order to stay safe and healthy, it’s best to steer clear of certain foods, many of which carry the risk of containing bacteria. These include:

We know this list might look daunting, but really there’s still plenty of delicious foods you can eat throughout your pregnancy. For fish, you can opt for cod, catfish, canned tuna, and as we mentioned before, salmon. 

For something creamy, use pasteurized cream cheese or hummus instead of meat spreads or soft cheeses. 

Oh, and one thing we forgot to mention is something many get a craving for — raw cookie dough. It’s never a good idea to eat this, so make sure any baked good you enjoy is completely cooked. 

Eating the right foods to keep you and your baby safe and healthy will become second nature, we promise. 

Dr. Khamvongsa and the Miami Institute for Women’s Health team have your best interests and health in mind before, during, and after your pregnancy. They’re equipped with the expertise, experience, and heart to ensure you have a healthy and smooth pregnancy.

Call our office at 786-220-2184 to make an appointment with us to discuss your pregnancy or any other care you need. You can also request an appointment through our website.

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