What You Should Know About Having Sex During Pregnancy

What You Should Know About Having Sex During Pregnancy

There’s no more thrilling news in the world than learning you’re expecting a baby! When you come to The Miami Institute for Women’s Health, Dr. Peter Khamvongsa and his caring team in Miami, Florida, provide you with education, support, and the most advanced prenatal care, as well as a host of other gynecologic and obstetrical services

Whether it’s having your first baby or fourth, every mom-to-be has many questions and concerns as pregnancy proceeds because every pregnancy is beautifully unique. 

One question that’s not uncommon is if and when it’s safe to have sex during pregnancy. Here we break down important facts and guidelines around this topic. 

Your libido during pregnancy

It’s not uncommon for women to notice their libido is higher when they’re pregnant, most frequently toward the end of the first trimester and during the second. So if you’re in the mood now that you’re expecting, it’s perfectly normal! Take advantage of this time to bond with your partner.

But is sex safe during pregnancy, or not?

Many couples expecting a baby wonder what amount of intimacy, if at all, is safe during pregnancy. 

The good news is that it’s perfectly fine to have sex during pregnancy. Many couples worry whether having sex could raise the risk of miscarriage, but it doesn’t. The majority of miscarriages are caused by developmental problems. 

Your growing baby is well-protected, floating in a soothing bath of amniotic fluid, and your uterine muscles are protective as well. 

That said, Dr. Khamvongsa monitors you throughout your pregnancy to make sure everything is going smoothly. He checks for certain complications, like placental issues or preterm labor. Those conditions may cause him to give more specific guidance about whether to have sex before the baby is born. 

You should discuss any history of premature birth or preterm labor with Dr. Khamvongsa. Be sure to call him if you experience any amniotic fluid leakage, unexplained bleeding, placenta previa (when your placenta partially or completely covers the opening of your cervix), or if your cervix has begun to open prematurely at all. 

When pregnant, orgasms, breast stimulation, and hormones called prostaglandins can all contribute to uterine contractions. This can help you make informed decisions about intimacy depending on where you are in your pregnancy. 

Couples also ask about whether some sexual positions are safer than others. Again, it’s alright to have sex in any position, as long as it’s comfortable! This tends to get more challenging as you get bigger and further along in your pregnancy. 

Remain vigilant about STDs

If your partner was diagnosed or is being treated for an STD, you should avoid sex, since many STDs cause serious problems for both you and your baby. Or, if you’re not in a monogamous relationship, it’s critical to use condoms to avoid an STD that could harm the baby.

Pregnancy is typically a time of excitement and anticipation, and it can offer a wonderful opportunity to explore intimacy with your partner. Remember though, that since every pregnancy is different, just as some women experience a higher libido when pregnant, others aren’t in the mood at all. 

There’s no “right” way to be. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy your special pregnancy journey!

Call The Miami Institute for Women’s Health at 786-220-2184 to set up an appointment with Dr. Khamvongsa to discuss any aspect of pregnancy and get the highest-quality prenatal care. You may also use our convenient online booking tool

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